Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

This Web site is owned and operated by F. Junckers Industrier A/S and/or its subsidiaries ("Junckers").

By using this site you signify your assent to these TERMS OF USE.


Junckers owns and retains the copyrights in the materials and software found in the Junckers Web site. 

Junckers authorises you to view and download the materials found in this site for your personal, non-commercial use. This authorisation is not a transfer of title in any of the materials or software and is subject to the following restrictions:

By using this site you signify your assent to these TERMS OF USE.

  1. You must keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices
  2. You may not modify the materials in any way 
  3. None of the materials may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way

Warranty Disclaimer

This Web site, all of the information and materials it contains, and the services and software made available on the site are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.

JUNCKERS does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information or the reliability of any advice, opinion or other information displayed, calculated or distributed through the site. Changes may be periodically made to the information, services and software made available on the site as well as to the products shown herein.
JUNCKERS makes no warranty or representation whatsoever regarding, and does not endorse, any non-JUNCKERS Web sites which you may access through this one.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall Junckers be liable for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages (including any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or other data on your information handling system or otherwise) caused by or related to the use of (or the inability to use) this Web site, including any failure of performance, error or omission in the information, services and software provided herein. This applies even if Junckers is expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.

International Users and Choice of Law

Junckers makes no representation that materials or products depicted in the site are appropriate or available in all locations.

These terms and conditions of use shall be governed by the laws of Denmark.

Privacy Policy

Junckers Industrier A/S respects the privacy of every individual who visits our websites. This Privacy Policy outlines the information Junckers may collect and how we may use that information. 

Policy for processing and protection of personal data

This Data protection policy applies to F. Junckers Industrier A/S (the company).
The policy will help to ensure and document that the company protects its personal data in accordance with the rules governing the processing of personal data. The policy also contributes to the disclosure of the processing and use of the registered personal data.
The policy is reviewed every year.


The company processes personal information about:

  • Employees
  • Customers
  • Suppliers

The company has prepared a list of personal data processing. The list provides an overview of the data processing that the company is responsible for.
Personal data is a prerequisite for the Company to enter into employment, customer and supplier contracts.
Collection of information with Cookies
When you visit and use our websites, we collect information about you using cookies. This information includes your browser type, your search terms on our websites, your IP address, and device information about your computer, phone, operating system, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Cookie data"). We generally use Cookie data to improve our websites and prospectively to improve the conversion on our websites as well as make targeted marketing.
Our processing of cookie data is made, because processing is necessary for us to take care of our legitimate interests in trying to prevent invalid log-ins by checking the user's location, improving the overall user experience by using our product and offering our customers the most relevant offers.
If we send direct marketing to you in the form of newsletters, offers or the similar, we ask for your consent in advance. You can always unsubscribe via link in the newsletter.
In general, you can always withdraw your consent by contacting us at the contact details listed at the bottom of this policy. If you withdraw your consent, we will delete the personal information we processed on the basis of your consent, unless certain personal data may be legally processed further.
If we will forward your personal information in a manner that is not described above and which requires your consent, we will contact you and ask for consent to the modified data processing.


Personal data is processed and archived in connection with:
• Personnel administration, including employment, recruitment, resignation and payroll
• Master data for customers as well as orders and sales
• Master data for suppliers as well as requisitions and purchases
• IT and IT security in the company
• Economics and Finance
• Support, customer service and consultancy
• Communication and marketing
• Contracts (legal agreements)
• Statistics
The company does not use personal data for purposes other than those listed. The company does not collect more personal information than necessary in relation to the fulfillment of the purpose.


The company has introduced the following general guidelines for storing and deleting personal data:


  • Personal data is stored in physical binders.
  • Personal data is stored in IT systems and server drives.
  • Personal data is no longer stored than what is necessary for the purpose of data processing.


We regularly take care of deleting personal information when they are no longer relevant for the purposes we have collected them. However, we retain your personal information to the extent that the law requires it, as is the case with the accounting data covered by the Accounting Act. If you have questions about our storage of personal information, please contact the contact details listed at the bottom of this policy.


The company has conducted a risk assessment and the following security measures for the protection of personal data:

  • Only employees who have a work-related need for access to the registered personal data have access to it either physically or through IT systems with rights management.
  • All computers have a password, and employees must not leave their passwords to others.
  • Laptop Computers must have installed firewall and antivirus software that is regularly updated. The remaining desktop computers are protected by the company's firewall.
  • Personal data is properly deleted when phasing out and repairing IT equipment.
  • USB keys, external hard drives, etc. with Personal data must be stored in a locked drawer or closet.
  • Physical folders are located in locked offices or locked cabinets.
  • Personal data in physical folders is deleted by shredding.
  • All employees must receive instructions on what to do with personal information and how to protect personal information.


We only pass personal data to others if permitted by law.
We use external companies as suppliers to deliver our services as best as possible. These external suppliers are called data processors and in certain cases treat our collected personal data in connection with their delivery of services to us. Our data processors only process our collected personal data according to our instructions and in accordance with regulatory requirements for data processors.
Personal information about employees may be disclosed to public authorities e.g. tax, unions, banks and pension companies.


The company only uses data processors if the data processor can provide the necessary guarantees that they will implement the appropriate technical and organizational security measures to meet the requirements of the Personal Data Act. All computer operators sign a data processing agreement before the processing is initiated.


The company carries out the rights of the data subject, including the right of access, withdrawal of consent, rectification and deletion, and informs the data subjects about the company's processing of personal data. The data subject also has the right to appeal to the Data Inspectorate.
If you wish to make use of the rights described above, please refer to the contact details found in the last section of this policy. If you wish to appeal about our processing of your personal information, this may be done by the data Inspectorate (


In case of personal data breach, the company notifies as soon as possible and within 72 hours of the breach the Data Inspectorate. Group Finance Manager is responsible for this. The review describes the breach, which groups of persons it concerns and what consequences the breach may have for these people and how the Company has or will correct the breach. In cases where the breach entails a high risk for those persons about whom the Company processes personal data, the Company will also inform them. The company documents all breaches of personal data security on a separate server drive that few have access to.


If you have questions or comments about this policy or if you want to make use of one or more of your rights, please contact us at

Other Data

In some cases, we may automatically collect technical information that is not personally identifiable, i.e. the type of Internet Browser you are using, the type of computer operating system you are using and the domain name of the website from which you linked to our Site.


